Monday, March 28, 2016

8 best fruit juices

Scientific Association of Australia did research on the uses of fruit juices and drinks,this conclusion is very good for health, especially during the dry and hot weather conditions. Below are the types of juices in the "top ten" Australian food experts recommend.

orange juice

1) carrot juice

· A glass of carrot juice about 160ml provides 64 kcal. It offers levels of magnesium, potassium, calcium, carotenoids and beta-carotene abundantly for the body to metabolize the vitamin A enhances night vision, while minimizing the risk of cataracts.

· In carrot juice also contains effective substances is alphalipoic acid has the ability to support for vitamin A, C and E in eliminating the harmful free radicals from the body. The antioxidant carotenoids of carrot in also helps reduce the risk of cancer of the lung, bladder, stomach.

2) pineapple juice:

· A glass of pineapple juice to about 160ml brought 66 kcal. Pineapple juice containsvitamins A, C and potassium, calcium and other minerals like manganese, selenium... helps protect tissues from harmful effects of the process of oxygen leads to severe stress.

· In addition, the composition of the pineapple bromelain enzymes also help healing, relieve the aches of muscles and activate the digestive system. It also minimizes the angina, bronchitis and asthma.

3) fresh orange juice

· Components of flavonoids in orange juice are combined with vitamin C has the ability to strengthen the immune system and protects the body's capillaries. A glass offresh orange juice about 160ml offers 75 kcal and over 50% of vitamin C per day forwomen.

· In addition, orange juice also provide abundant thiamine content contributes to attend to the general process of energy and folate compounds help increase the quality of the blood, which is also the source of nutritional supplements are beneficial towomen during pregnancy.

4) tomato juice

· Compared with other fruits have rose and other red pigment, the tomato has the highest content of lycopene. Prevention against oxygen should also be lycopene reviews is physically capable of preventing dangerous diseases such as cancer of the prostate, breast, lung, skin ... A glass of tomato juice about 160ml contains 58 kcal.

· Tomato juice provides vitamins A and C help neutralize free radicals that cause cardiovascular disease. Each day, patients cardiovascular symptoms should absorb about 10 mg lycopene and ordinary people about 3, 6mg, a medium-size Tomatoes contain from 4-5 mg of lycopene.

5) Apple juice

· Apple Juice is very delicious and contains a number of vitamins, vitamin c. 160 ml cup offers 61 cal and almost 50% additional demand of daily nutrients in the age group 19-50.

However, compared with other fruit juices, Apple juice have fewer vitamins and minerals.

6) red grape juice

· Red grape juice is likely an excellent anti aging; contain similar flavonoids in red wine, help expand blood vessels and increase blood flow to the skin surface.

· Quenetin substance in red grape juice has the effect of preventing the agglomeration of blood, prevention of cardiovascular disease. In the laboratory, the substance resveratrol in red grape juice has been proven to have the active resistance to cancer.

7) grapefruit juice

· This is the source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant, may reduce the risk of many types of cancer.
· Grapefruit contains lycopen training helps to reduce the risk of cancer of the prostate, lung, stomach, pancreas, small bowel, breast ... Lycopen also helps to prevent the formation of thrombosis, which in turn helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

8) mango juice

· Mango juice is "repository" of vitamins A, C, E. Three categories of this vitamin works very well against the free radicals that cause the disease, delaying the aging process.
· A glass of mango juice provides 15% of daily iron needs in women.
Location: California, Hoa Kỳ

1 comment:

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